Chantelle O’Neill

Meet Chantelle O’Neill, the ultimate multitasking maestro.

Armed with an Advanced Diploma in Health Science, a Bachelor of Psychology, and currently conquering her Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA), Chantelle is not your average go-getter. In 2019, she added another feather to her cap by establishing Triple A SkinScience.

But wait, there's more—Chantelle has pirouetted on stages with the Australian Conservatoire of Ballet, Sydney Youth Ballet, and Queensland Ballet Company. From the silver screen to reality TV, she's been the Supporting Lead in Working Dogs feature Film ‘Any Questions for Ben’ and the Principal Artist on Shine Australia's Foxtel Reality Show ‘WAG Nation’. You might have also caught her making waves on Project Runway ARENA & TV Series ‘Housos’.

Beyond the glitz and glam, Chantelle is a proud mum of two beautiful girls and an Academic, Ballerina, Actress, Model, and the brains behind @tripleskinscience.

Dive into her online world, where high-end fashion, effortless street style, beauty, and lifestyle take center stage.



This ballerina with a knack for flawless skin, is rocking a sweet 12.1K crew on Insta, and they're head over heels for her!


She’s collaborated with major Brands like Target, Swinburne, Gumbuya World, Lets go Motor Homes, Krumbled Foods, Ostelin and many more, leaving her mark as a style maven and content queen.

Fun Fact

Chantelle has pirouetted on stages with the Australian Conservatoire of Ballet, Sydney Youth Ballet, and Queensland Ballet Company. Talk about a Ballet Rockstar!